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If you don't succeed at the first attempt

Have you seen how a kid walks for the first time? It starts with a very unstable, and very shaky step. Probably, the kid may not move more than 1-2 steps and end up falling. So shall the kid stop walking or even stop trying to walk? Just look at the kid after a month or two; the kid runs to and fro relentlessly. This process is Universal. The first attempt, almost every time, is a failure - a major or a minor one. And that is a major part of learning how to be a success.

The first time you work on an MS Excel sheet, the first time you make a presentation, the first time you give an interview, all of them have a good chance of not going well. Many times they are not useful too. With proper supervision and maybe triple the efforts, you possibly bring in a positive outcome. But that does not indicate your capabilities.

As you work again, you start understanding the nuances of the tasks, improve your knowledge, and learn how to accurately complete the work. Depending on the complexity of work and your talent, the time taken and the opportunities required to completely learn the task are defined.
  • For all this to happen, the foremost attribute required is patience. Just like a kid who does not stop walking in spite of repeated falls, you need to be optimistically determined about achieving the objectives.

  • After each attempt or failure, you should be able to assess the achievements attained so far, the shortcomings that still need to be overcome, and the strategies to overcome them.

  • All these need to be assessed well in spite of the effect of other factors. You need to overcome the hesitation to ask the doubts and make sure the hurdles are resolved by approaching the right set of people.

Looking at the other side of the coin, just like a parent who always handholds and handles the kid with utmost care is encouragement in order to walk swiftly, a senior or a manager has to encourage the analyst to attempt repeatedly and focus on achieving the objectives. He needs to understand why the junior is moving in the wrong direction and look for the required course corrections. There is no doubt that you can achieve any goal in the first attempt. History has shown that innumerable times. Repeated attempts while improving every time will help you succeed. Above all, perseverance with patience is the most important attribute required to achieve your goals.

So, it does not matter if you fail the first time. It simply is a step you might have missed, mistook, underdid, or overdid it. It is okay to fail. Yet keep learning for failures will only lead to success.

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