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Why do people Micromanage?

“I have been wondering about my manager getting too observant with me. Between and after every task, very subtly, he is lurking around to know the status. Is that micro-management?” Gone are the days where a sub-ordinate tolerated the work enforced on him as per the manager’s wishes. The current workforce likes to have more freedom to innovate, to work as per their terms, and deliver projects. Any deviation from this - you see resignations in no time.

So, what are the reasons for managers to Micromanage?

A) Inability to trust his team members and their ideas B) Inability to ignore the previous mistakes of the sub-ordinates C) Inability to envisage the project prospects D) No proper understanding of the team’s strengths and weaknesses E) Obsession with his position F) Over-confidence in his own ideas G) Time constraints H) Inability to take risks I) Lack of taking prior training to sub-ordinates

"You see a taunt or a changed tone to point the previous mistake, the incessant nagging to check status, the hurry-worry to move to the next task."

The Situation- Why Micromanagement prevails?

While the current employees enjoy working independently, with minimum instructions and supervision, they also require sufficient training and spoon-feeding to keep the work going and to make sure everyone is moving towards growth. So, when a balance is not achieved, micro-management overpowers supervision whereas ideally, the manager should know where to control his as well as the junior should take a step backward to build up a system of checks on their own.

Some workaholics and those who do not trust others too much have this habit of nagging every single thing. Both the junior and the senior involved do not realize this but these things are often perceived as an obsessed manager, boss bully, and overall a weak team. And sometimes, the manager too has faced many problems working with his juniors that he has developed trust issues with everyone, let alone his team members.

How to Not be a Micromanager?

As a manager, in order to keep the team’s spirit healthy, this balance is very important. So, make sure you are handling the teammates well. A) First understand the project requirements and assess the team’s experience in handling such work. B) Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the team in handling such work. C) Let the team come up with the road map and strategy to execute the projects. D) If their strategy requires only minor changes - let them execute their strategies and provide suggestions. Else, explain the importance of your strategies in improving the work execution and come up with a conclusion. E) Be transparent and realistic in setting deadlines and checkpoints. In case of crunch, clarify the need for executing the projects quickly.

Do not Forget- Whenever there is sufficient time, let them execute their strategies and as per their convenience. Other times, you can push for your strategies. This way, they see the much-craved freedom in your managerial style.

In such a scenario, pushing yourself once in a while does not create a lot of problems. Finally, when the misunderstandings crop up, make sure you are clearing those misunderstandings and bringing in changes in yours and others' attitudes. After all, beliefs decide our attitude towards others. So setting the right beliefs is important.

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