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How to Overcome Selective Bias?

Biasness maybe a human tendency that we unintentionally or subconsciously possess. But with time, in our corporate life, we should realize that we get overpowered with a trait called a Selective Bias. We all work to grow. We work hard, learn new things and help each other, end of the day, to grow. However, our desire to grow after a point forces us to grow irrespective of the shortcomings we have and unfavorable situations. As many things in Corporate work are subjective, we tend to turn the decisions to our favor through selective bias, which is why it is important for us to overcome selection bias.

Frankly, Selection bias (or Selective Bias) is a wrong trait to acquire, which does not let us appreciate the talent, and provide support to other team members, who could be correct but hinder our growth. Further, even if we might win by turning decisions in our favor, we will lose in the long run because we may not have the talent to work, and may not also have the support from the team.

In even more simple terms, when we don't prefer randomization during a selection process, selective bias occurs. Thus, it becomes important to overcome this trait.

Overcoming Selective Bias- Simple Tips

  1. First and foremost - train your mind to be neutral. A neutral point of view is important for each team member and definitely for a manager. To prefer someone/ something over others is equivalent to not giving a fair chance to all.

  2. Think about the opposite possibility. For example: If you are in favor of a decision, think about the possibilities of weaknesses of this decision and how worse it can make the team overall.

  3. You can take the help of the other team members who are against your points. Think about negating their points and see how well you are able to do it.

  4. Identify people who think neutral and rational. Understand their viewpoints and have a discussion with them with an open mind.

  5. Try to choose using randomization process to eliminate selection bias; Use tossing a coin, choosing numbers from a container

  6. Focus on what is right. Learn to keep ‘who will be benefitted’ aside. Probably this can be thought of after taking the decisions.

You may not succeed instantly or for the short term benefit. But, putting emphasis on this helps you turn towards constructive thinking unconsciously.

Moreover, remember that rational and neutral thinking is a very important trait of a leader. So, even if you win now, you would lose the overall game once you become a leader.

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